Align what you do with who you are.
Do you feel out of place?
You are ambitious and successful - on paper you may even seem to have it all.
But despite your accomplishments this far, it feels like there’s still something missing.
Would a career change do the trick? A new challenge? A promotion? Or maybe learning to let go? Embracing your emotions and sensitivity?…
Your mind isn’t at peace and you’re ready to UpLevel.
You want Purpose. Freedom. Results. Balance. Impact.
My name is Margot Pauvers and I am here to help you create YOUR authentic success.
I take into account how you function (Neurodivergent, highly sensitive, introverted, extroverted, empath, high achievers...) and create space for you to acknowledge and understand your true needs and wants.
We then create a success that feeds that authenticity so you can embrace what makes you unique while unlocking your potential.
More Results, More Time, More Balance in your relationships and with yourself.
I take a holistic approach and work on body, mind and soul. We heal the wounds that prevent you from moving forward, and we challenge you out of your comfort zone so you can finally go after those BIG dreams that light up the fire within in all serenity.

Internationally Accredited Certifications and a Lifelong Learner
“We know what we are, but not what we may be”
William Shakespeare
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